
Go Awf, Sis! But First, Go Deep.


The energy of Mercury Retrograde can be quite overwhelming. The Universe asks us to slow down and retreat within ourselves, in the same way that it asks Mercury to slow its orbit. Like a slingshot, the deeper you go within yourself, the further you will propel coming out of this energy. While launching new projects isn’t advised, if it can be avoided, the time is ripe for planning and preparing for execution. The first Mercury Retrograde of 2020, February 16th- March 9th, asks us to look within ourselves and prepare to unleash the animal energy within.


Much like the she-wolf, you were destined to be wild and free; not confined by limiting beliefs and boundaries. This is the time to explore what hopes and dreams you have been holding back. It’s time to evaluate the forces in your life that dissuade you from standing in your power because they don’t understand it. Align with this energy, you are being untethered. It’s time to move beyond those boundaries and come for everything that is yours.


Ask your angels, ancestors and spirit guides for help connecting to your intuition. Acknowledge what is being asked of you, without being connected to these messages you may miss important intuitive guidance that can lead you to the loving support as you journey into the wild. Connect with your emotions, and know that they will lead you to understand the messages that are coming from your soul.


Understand that some of your limiting beliefs may have been placed on you through your family or ancestral lineage. However, the energy of your spirit is powerful enough to transcend any limitations that have been placed upon you. Mercury Rx is an opportune time for personal healing work and reclaiming your power. In doing this work you can move beyond any limitations that have been set for you through your family line and hone in on your wild side.


You may also want to tap into ancestral wisdom and connect with your spirit guides to welcome moving into a new direction. This energy is welcoming the opportunity to go through the process of awakening and self-actualization. You have unique qualities that need to be shared with the world. While, the journey with self may feel lonely, know that you are not alone. The universe is supporting you and your angels, ancestors and spirit guides are with you on this journey to self. Now is the time for you to go the distance within, you’ll evolve through every moment of the process. Make sure you also take a moment to look at how far you’ve come as you better understand where you’ll be going.


As if there isn’t enough energy to sort through, we have to remember that it is Winter and the meaning of the energy of the season. This Mercury Rx is also asking us to honor this time of year by taking care of our needs. While your sunny disposition may have been eclipsed by shorter days, the animal energy within is pushing you to keep going. The wolf is active all year long, it knows when to work alone and how to succeed with the pack. As you are being asked to go deep within and move beyond your fears, lean into this wolf energy to help you navigate unknown territory. While you may be journeying through the unknown, trust that your light will lead the way. Take some time to think about what you need to feel supported, what makes you feel alive. There you may find some things from the past that need to be unearthed. Shed light on these aspects, the things that have been buried deep, this will help you create room for the abundance in miracles that are asking to come in. Although you may feel like a lone wolf, you are the Alpha!


Wolf energy isn’t the only animal energy supporting you at this time. The resiliency of the red fox is helping you survive the changing energy. The fox has the ability the survive in urban areas and in artic conditions. It knows what it’s like to be hunted when it wants to do is survive. This energy can help you overcome any energies of adversity and that which is unjust. You have an opportunity to climb to spaces that have not yet been reached. You are preparing yourself to be seen for who you truly are and trust in your talents to lead you towards your best life.  Undoubtedly this could give you some anxiety, but find peace in knowing that these are the answers to your soul’s desire. Any past feelings of being threatened are behind you, it is safe to reveal your divine gifts.


Retreating, recharging and preparing to propel ourselves into the post retrograde energy is the reason why Mercury slows us down. The red planet wants us to take a step back, log off, put our phones down and explore what lies within. Take notice when Mercury Rx is slowing you down through your travel, technology, communication and any other areas of your life that seem to be experiencing slowdowns during this time. They are reminders from the Universe to take a step back so you can connect with the information that is coming directly from your heart space. It’s in this energy of solitude and meditation that you will find the answers to the questions within. This is a good time for the stillness, solitude, and meditation that will connect you to your soul’s wisdom. Listen to the messages that are rising within you, and give them some thought before you move forward. Remember that rushing in can block us from seeing how destructive our actions can be.

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